2019 was a busy year for Congaree Riverkeeper. We witnessed some hard-fought victories, took on new and emerging issues, and grew our organization at every level. Here are a few of this year’s highlights. We:
- Worked with partners to remove an outdated and obsolete dam on Congaree Creek, improving natural stream flows, aquatic habitat, and safety for paddlers.
- Reached a settlement agreement with Blue Granite Water Company (formerly, Carolina Water Service) over a long-running lawsuit that eliminated the illegal discharges from the company’s I-20 wastewater treatment plant. As a result of the settlement, Blue Granite contributed $350,000 to local water quality monitoring and planning initiatives.
- Set the stage for the elimination of another problematic sewer discharge from the Lower Saluda River, Blue Granite Water Company’s Friarsgate wastewater treatment plant.
- Expanded local water quality monitoring initiatives, including continued involvement and leadership in the Midlands Rivers Coalition (HowsMySCRiver.org).
- Collaborated with researchers from the University of South Carolina to conduct a microplastics study of our local rivers.
- Continued our legal and advocacy efforts to compel Dominion Energy (formerly, SCE&G) to clean up its toxic coal tar from the Congaree River.
- Participated in the regulatory and legislative process to oppose environmental rollbacks and promote good policy.
- Organized volunteer cleanups that removed more than 10,000 pounds of trash
from our rivers and streams.
- Engaged with thousands of citizens through our outreach and education activities, and
- Responded to more than 30 citizen pollution reports, from sewer spills to illegal dumping.