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FERC Issues Parr Hydro License

December 16, 2020
On November 25th, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a new hydropower license for the continued operation and maintenance of Dominion Energy's Parr Hydroelectric Project on the Broad River in Newberry and Fairfield Counties. The Parr Hydroelectric Project includes both the Parr Dam and the Fairfield Pumped Storage Facility (Monticello Reservoir). The License was issued for a term of 50 years.

This new license is the culmination of more than 8 years of studies and negotiations. The license (along with the Comprehensive Relicensing Settlement Agreement that was signed in 2018) should provide significant improvements to the Broad River, including:
  • Improving minimum flows
  • Improving dissolved oxygen
  • Reducing flow fluctuations downstream of the dam
  • Improving water quality conditions in the west channel below the dam
  • Improving recreation facilities
  • Establishing a Habitat Enhancement Program to fund restoration and research projects in the watershed
Now that the license has been issued, we will work with Dominion Energy and stakeholders to implement the license terms and adaptive management plans.

You can read the full FERC order issuing the license below, and you can see all of the relicensing documents at
View FERC License
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