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Congaree River Coal Tar Cleanup Update

July 28, 2022

The construction of the coffer dam for Dominion Energy's coal tar removal project on the Congaree River began last month. The contractor for the project has been making steady progress, and the rock dam has been built out. The next steps for this project include installing a liner and placing fabric formed concrete mats to reinforce and armor the dam. After the dam is completed teams will relocate mussels from the cleanup area and screen for possible unexploded ordinance. Once those steps have been completed over the next few weeks the coal tar removal can begin.

The overall project is expected to take 3-5 years to compete, and there is a smaller phase 2 coffer dam that will be constructed just downstream. River users will not be able to access the area around the Senate Street Landing for the duration of the project. The river is still navigable, and river users can use the nearby river access points at the West Columbia Riverwalk or Granby Park.


You can see regular updates about this project on the SCDHEC website at

And you can read more in this story from the AP: Work begins to remove coal tar from South Carolina river.

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