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Pollution from Plastic Plant Impacting Congaree River

November 26, 2024

Thousands of pounds of toxic chemicals are being discharged into the Congaree River from this plastic plant every year.

Earlier this month the Environmental Integrity Project released a report, Plastic's Toxic River, detailing the widespread pollution impacts from plastics manufacturing plants on waterways across the country. 


The report examined data from several plastics manufacturing facilities, including the Alpek Polyester Plant (formerly DAK Americas and Carolina Eastman) that discharges thousands of pounds of the toxic chemical 1,4-dioxane into the Congaree River every year. 1,4-dioxane is a byproduct of PET plastic manufacturing, and is a likely carcinogen, yet there is currently no limit in their permit on the amount of this dangerous chemical Alpek can dump into the Congaree River. 

This unchecked pollution from plastic production is unacceptable, and our federal and state agencies need to take action now to protect our river and downstream communities. While we won't be holding our breath for the EPA to take meaningful action any time soon, the Clean Water Act already requires the use of the best available technology to treat pollutants like 1,4-dioxane, and we will be asking the South Carolina Department of Environmental Services to comply with the law and require Alpek treat for 1,4-dioxane when their already expired permit is renewed. 

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